About Us
About iPSCF
The iPSC Core Facility (iPSCF) was established in January 2024 within WPI-PRIMe, Osaka University.
Our Mission
iPSCF’s mission is to generate iPS cells from patients or healthy individuals in collaboration with laboratories within PRIMe. These iPS cells are expected to be used to create organoids, which will be used to elucidate pathological conditions, drug discovery, and in the future, for digital twins.
iPSC Core Facility Services
Generation of iPSC
We generate iPS cells from the somatic cells of patients and healthy individuals.
Quality control of iPSC
Controlling the quality of the iPSCs is important so that they can be used for various applications in the future.
Management of Common Equipment
PRIMe has many high-performance analytical instruments, and iPSCF manages them.
Currently, these services are available only to PRIMe.
Meet the Lab
Masato NAKAGAWA , Ph.D
Specially Appointed Associate Professor
Cross-apointment with CiRA, Kyoto Univ.
I joined PRIMe in January 2024 to start up iPSCF. I hope to create iPSCs from patients, create organoids from them by PRIMe’s member, and utilize the digital twin to contribute to personalized medicine on the metaverse.
- 2004 Assistant Professor, Yamanaka Lab @NAIST
- 2005 Assistant Professor, Yamanaka Lab @Kyoto Univ.
- 2010 Junior Associate Professor, Yamanaka Lab @Center for iPS cell Research and Application (CiRA), Kyoto Univ.
- 2016-present Junior Associate Professor, Naka Lab @CiRA, Kyoto Univ.
- 2024-present Specially appointed Associate Professor, iPSCF @Premium Research Institute for Human Metaverse Medicine (PRIMe), Osaka Univ. (Cross-appointment with CiRA, Kyoto Univ.)
For further information, please visit my reserchmap page.
Contact iPSC Core Facility
E-mail: ipsc_core_info[at]prime.osaka-u.ac.jp (Please change [at] to @.)